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Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ

Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ
By Davida Gypsy Breier
Nutrition section by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
ISBN 0-931411-24-6
272 pages

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It is 2 am and you need a vegan donut - where do you turn??? Most of us are never going to become vegetarian nutrition experts, but it is likely that we will crave a donut. That's where this guide to the daily aspects of being a vegetarian is indispensable. Based on answers given to some of the 100,000 visitors to The Vegetarian Resource Group website (www.vrg.org) every month, this guide addresses the many circumstances of living as a vegetarian. This book is the culmination of the many questions and frustrating lack of answers vegetarians routinely encounter.

This guide will help non-vegetarians understand some of the issues and ingredients that concern vegetarians. It is also a wonderful starting place if you are a new vegetarian. And if you are a vegetarian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you need this book! Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ will make being a vegetarian even easier. You will find hundreds of answers on everything from vegan marshmallows to food ingredients to veggie kids to how to cook tofu. We’ve also included 35 popular recipes, including fajitas, sloppy joes, and eggless banana pancakes, as well as sources for thousands more!

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